Expertise Planning
Planning for Growth
Our planning process facilitates broad community outreach, key stakeholder inclusion, and multidisciplinary collaboration. Through interactive workshops, we explore multiple development options to derive an optimal planning direction. We craft compelling strategic visions that address both current needs and long-term growth, and serve as effective catalysts for sustainable growth patterns.

Planning Leaders
As Planning Director, Rex focuses on smart growth planning efforts for developer, institutional, municipal, and university clients. He has extensive experience producing development codes, design guidelines, and master plan documents that address community, campus, and urban planning issues at all scales.
Planning Projects
Planning Services
Planning News & Insights
Thibodaux Regional recently celebrated the grand opening of their outdoor sports complex. WHLC was excited to be a part of the transformative project.
WHLC's Infrastructure Implementation Plan for the Baton Rouge Health District is named one of three "Atomic Projects that will Bond Baton Rouge in a Decade"